So fucking crippled in your love.

It is difficult to describe the extent of this exhaustion. It's a kind of fatigue that makes me need to try to find the strength to get out of my bed, fake a smile on my face and pretend that my mind wouldn't drift away to conjure any negative thoughts. I can't remember the last time I woke up with a smile of my face thinking that it is going to be a good day. Except for last Tuesday I was 1% happy when Melantha told me she found the title of the Spanish song that I've been looking for in the past 5 weeks!

You might not realize it, but my life has been narrating the same story over and over again. It is almost like a vicious cycle to it. Many occasions, when the outside air is tranquil; when it is all quiet and calm, and when I am all alone; the same scenarios start to play in my memory and these tears would fall like rain from my eyes. Way too melodramatic HAHA but you get the gist of it.

I have really simple wishes nowadays. Real simple.

I wish for one day where no one would bother me. Don't ask me anything (especially from my parents) - report your location, what are you doing, don't spend so much money, don't go to work, why are you out so late every night, your friends are bad influence, and report your location again yada yada nag nag nag Nag NAG.

But then I've got school to look forward to next week, hopefully seeing my friends again would get me back on track and away from these little childish acts which they call drama.

Meanwhile I need to sort my self out. I hope it is not hard.