Bucket List

Life has finally taken its toll on me and by life i mean school. So here I am, procrastination at best, doing up my bucket list. A bucket list is basically a list of items that you would like to accomplish before you grow old and can't do shit anymore. So this is my bucket list (so far):

Go on a road trip with my best friends
Go to Amsterdam
Visit all seven wonders of the world.
Go on a luxury cruise with close friends
Go to a New Year's party in New York
Ride in a hot air balloon
Bungee Jump
Experience zero gravity
Learn how to interpret dreams
Learn self hypnosis
Own a 67' Mustang
Swim with sharks
Get a tattoo
Steal a street sign with my name (is this even possible?)
Build a tree house Stargaze in a tree house
Ride something bigger than an elephant
Scuba dive (in Hawaii)
Climb an active volcano
Travel to Germany (Oktober Fest)