If you say you want to get high, I would take you to the tallest building in town. If you say you want to stay up all night and drink, I would give you caffeinated hot chocolate and say, "Drink up." If you say you want to shoot yourself in the face, I would give you a water gun, put your finger on the trigger, aim it at your face, and help you pull the trigger. If you say you want to cut yourself, I would take a Polaroid of you, hand it to you along with a scissors, and have you cut it up. If you say you want to see your blood, I would take you to get your ears pierced. If you say you want to cry yourself to sleep, I would watch a sad, romantic movie with you before bed. If you say you want to be alone, I would give you a name tag that says, "My name is: Alone." If you say you want to have someone there to take care of you, always. I would ask when I wasn't.
I would never try to break your heart because that would break mine.